Angel & Allsop Financial Services provides expert mortgage, protection and insurance advice. Angel & Allsop Financial Services is a trading name of Just Mortgages Direct Limited and Angel & Allsop Financial Services is the name under which we carry out these services.

Angel & Allsop Financial Services is not a business in its own right, it is part of Just Mortgages Direct Limited, which is an appointed representative of The Openwork Partnership, a trading style of Openwork Limited. Just Mortgages Direct Limited was set up in 1989 and has been part of The Openwork Partnership since 2016.

The Openwork Partnership is one of the UK’s largest Financial Advice networks, with over 4,500 advisers and in excess of 700 appointed representatives based throughout the UK.

Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

Some buy to let mortgages are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

We can provide expert advice and recommend a wide range of mortgage products to suit you.

First Time Buyer

Getting on the property ladder

Remortgaging Advice

Time for a better deal?

Moving Home

Get the mortgage that's right for you

Buy To Let Mortgages

Talk to buy to let mortgage specialists


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